Surging from All Sides

Today we gather bodies washed in,
surging from all sides
on a misty weekend morning. We line them up in rows because they deserve proper burials
no matter how they’d
lived their lives or how eventually
they exited it. 

As the uniforms go numbering each non-person by
placing tags on respective large toes, 
cars on the bridge slow
down and stop as folks
spill out to watch the scene below. There!
the May tide goes out
and the churned brown mud crisscrosses
figures draped all in white. 

Once we threw bodies
into the water from this same bridge. 
Now we fish them out
while shouting lyrics from dead artists. 
You came and watched then too, remember?
You refused to join
us by the water, 
remaining on the bridge. 

Instead of tallying the bodies
you kept on repeating their names out
loud as you were absolutely sure and convinced
what you did was right
until the uniform had to shout over crying gulls, 
warning you against continuing
but you didn’t listen then. 
Will you listen now?


Photo by Anuj Yadav on 


Is that Woman Still Alive?


We were not impressed by her until she pulled out her shotgun during our impromptu visit.
“Is that woman still alive !?” Father yelled when we told him about the incident later that day. “I’d have married her if it wasn’t for your mother”, he said.
We took him along with us the next time we went to the farm, along with an assortment of firearms in the boot of the car. There was a different mood in the air this time. The fight seemed to have gone out of the place  entirely. There was no longer any palpable threat in the air, no buzzing of cicadas in the woods or screeching of birds above our heads. Everything life-affirming had gone quiet.
“Your family’s timing is impeccable”, someone said as we arrived. “She died this morning. We’re making preparations for the funeral.”
Father, feeling his volatile emotions stir in response to the statement, turned to give us an accusing look and shouted dramatically,
“If it wasn’t for your mother, I’d have been standing right there on that front porch, at my wife’s funeral !”
“How many wives’ funerals do you need to attend as a husband in one lifetime !?”
I shouted back. My siblings nodded collectively, knowing perfectly well what had happened to our mother.
Photo from Resplash by Josh Hild

Astonishingly, Hanagawa

The dark little birds hurtling from the sky sent Hiroshi scrambling towards shelter. Once safely under the bamboo shed’s roofing and conscious of the hammering overhead, he looked back. Astonishingly, Hanagawa was walking calmly down the forest path towards him. Her wide-brimmed farmer’s hat offered paltry protection and seeing her continue stubbornly, despite being knocked-off stride repeatedly by the beaked projectiles, turned Hiroshi’s blind panic into disbelief.

Was she mad? Why wasn’t she running for her life?

He knew he had not married an ordinary country girl. Since their wedding, Hiroshi had heard whispers about Hanagawa, her family and their habits. Whenever he asked for an explanation, the wagging tongues of the village would say that the peculiarities of Hanagawa’s character were typical of north country people. Then the voices would fall silent. A silence caused more by uneasiness than deference, Hiroshi always felt. Subjecting oneself to lashings by suicidal birds would only serve to lend credence to such wild rumors.

As she entered the shed, Hanagawa took off the hat, letting her hair fall loose. On seeing him staring at her, she laughed disquietingly.

“Why are you laughing? Why did you not hurry when the birds were attacking you? You might have gotten yourself blinded!”

Hanagawa’s expression changed to the kind of concerned look that always made him uneasy.

“Hiroshi-san,” she began gently, her voice carrying an undercurrent of concern,
“Birds, you said? What birds?”

Hiroshi followed her gaze back up the forest path which was littered with dozens of . . . tempting, rosy peaches. Had his eyes deceived him?

“Dear husband. Did you say that birds attacked me? Those are only ripened fruits. Be truthful. Are you seeing and hearing things again?”

Hanagawa gave Hiroshi the look again.

Photo from by Masoomeh Salek