Watching Butterflies

Through glass doors…On a Saturday mornng

Through glass doors
In my rented house’s ground floor
I lounge on my sofa watching butterflies
Flitting over and under verdant leaves
and in and out of the single unkempt deciduous tree
at the end of the austere and narrow, sun kissed garden.

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She looks like a bumble bee


Bright orange top
With green & white leggings
Or yellow shorts
Pink & white striped ensemble
generously splashed with glitter?
Positively petrifying
Radioactive rears!
She looks like a bumble bee
in Plutonium pants
That had gone sipping nuclear nectar.
Oranges and pinks
Whites and yellows
All aglow
My daughter wears fluorescent clothes
given by her mother and grandparents
I had nothing to do with it