Rubie’s Search

The policia said they’d wait for the autopsy report before concluding on the victim’s identity.

The mound of earth on the open plain had unmistakable traces of having been seared. Was it by lightning? Rubie now understood why that possibility had occurred to the authorities. She did a slow 360-degree turn and saw mirages dancing on the horizon where the sun was sinking softly. Reddish clouds hung low on the opposite side. There was nothing to attract lightning for miles around. Except, perhaps a body as loaded with metal implants as she knew her father’s was.

The media had reported that the victim’s remains looked like overcooked meat, giving off an unbearable stench. The policia said they’d wait for the autopsy report before concluding on the victim’s identify.

“Come back Tuesday”, they’d instructed, as nobody there worked weekends while Monday was reserved for catching up on paperwork. Continue reading “Rubie’s Search”